
Dr. Robert Giambatista

Dr. Robert Giambatista is Associate Professor of Management at the 性爱电影, and joined the University in 2013.

Prior to joining Scranton’s faculty, Prof. Giambatista served as an Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University at Lehigh University. He received his BS and MS from Penn State and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1999).  Before pursuing his doctorate, he worked as a systems analyst for Exxon, USA in Houston, TX and a systems consultant for Coopers & Lybrand (now PriceWaterhouseCoopers) in Philadelphia.

Robert’s areas of research include teams and leadership, and particularly factors relating to their effectiveness.  His published and on-going teams research to date has focused on shifting deadlines and on the role played by communication technology on diversity and team effectiveness.  He has also published research on leader succession and effectiveness. More recently, much of his research has focused on various pedagogical and learning innovations and their efficacy in improving managerial (interpersonal) skills.

Robert has been published in some of management’s most prestigious journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Management Science, Leadership Quarterly, and Academy of Management Learning & Education. His research had been cited over 1000 times according to Google Scholar, he had published 18 peer-reviewed research articles, and made 30 refereed or invited presentations.

In the classroom, Robert applies his own research to deliver classes with a variety of pedagogical and learning elements, all with an eye towards not just learning, not just applying, but personally integrating management skills and development into the learner’s own repertoire.  To accomplish this, Prof. Giambatista emphasizes film clips, role play, self-assessment, expert-rated assessment centers, case studies, extensive discussion exercises, classroom debate, informal presentation, and vicarious learning. His lectures are mainly designed to provide sufficient foundation to provide meaning, context, and focus behind his teaching’s primarily experiential emphasis.

Among his many service activities, Robert has served as Faculty Senator, is co-chair of the KSOM Assessment Committee, and coordinates the KSOM Leadership Affinity Group. He presents, mentors, and serves on the advisory board for KSOM's Non-Profit Leadership Certificate Program. He serves on the BLDR, CTLE and Wellness Advisory Boards as well. Additionally, he volunteers for the Friends of the Poor, Clothes Line for Men, Future Business Leaders of America, and the St. Francis Soup Kitchen.

Robert lives in the Lehigh Valley with his wife and two sons.  He enjoys cooking, classical music, movies, fun time with his kids, and agonizing over Philadelphia sports teams.

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