
Faculty / Staff Resources


Dear Faculty and Staff Members:
Welcome to the Center for Career Development web site for faculty and staff. We value the important role you play here at The 性爱电影 and appreciate the significance of the impact you have on our students. We created this web site for you to use as a quick reference to career related information for your own use or that of the students. If you have any questions or would like to talk with anyone of us, please call 941-7640. Thank you!


The Career Development Team

Lori Moran, Director - email
Melissa Przewlocki, Assistant Director - email
Stacey LaniewskiCareer Development Coordinator - email
Rose Jacklinski, Career Relations Manager - email

Jacob Gatto, Career Development and  Information Specialist - email
Adlin Barrish, Administrative Assistant - email


Contact Information:  
Location: Loyola Science Center, Linden Street, Scranton, PA
Telephone: 570-941-7640
Hours: Monday and Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Referring Students/Alumni

Faculty and staff are encouraged to refer students to The Center for Career Development. We work with undergraduate and graduate students along with alumni. We can:

  • Help the student identify his or her interests, skills, and values including the use of career assessments, when appropriate. We use the Strong Interest Inventory and as well as other assessment tools
  • Help the student explore possible careers related to his or her major
  • Assist with the job and internship search and preparation
  • Teach resume writing, cover letter writing, and interviewing skills
  • Critique resumes, cover letters, and other job search letters
  • Conduct mock interviews 
  • Help the student find resources that could help them to apply to graduate and professional schools
Students can schedule an appointment by calling 941-7640 or by scheduling on Handshake
Handshake is our online recruitment platform where students can search for jobs and internships as well as schedule appointments

Visit the following links for more helpful information:


  • Encourage employers, possibly alumni, who may contact you directly, to participate in our recruiting program and to register with our job, internship/resume database system

Classroom Presentations
  • Request a presentation Some topics include: office services, career decision making, resume and cover letter writing, job search, interviewing but we can customize a presentation/program to meet your needs. We can come to your classroom or you can bring your class to our location. Whether you have 10 minutes or two hours, we would love the opportunity to talk with your students.
  • Don’t cancel your class. If you anticipate a need to cancel class, let us know and we may be available to visit your class and discuss a career related topic with your students.
  • Request a tour of The Center for Career Development.

Post Graduation Activities

  • Student Outcomes - Employment and Graduate Schools
  • Do you know where your students are? When we follow the successes of our graduates, we find that we can more effectively assist our current students with understanding career options. If you learn of the post graduation plans of a student, we would be grateful if you would share that information with us.

How Career Development can Support Faculty


  • Faculty play an important role in helping students understand and gain career readiness competencies in their classes.  Faculty can include language in their syllabi that demonstrate how students may attain one or more of the 8 Career Readiness Competencies as defined by NACE.  These are skills that all employers are looking for. For more information, these resources are helpful:
  • Career Road Map
  • CTE Career Development Faculty Workshop


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