
Four students standing around computers in the Alperin Center

Student Government Club Funding - 2024-2025

Many student clubs and organizations chartered through Student Government have a "funded" status, meaning that each year, these groups can request funding from Student Government to support their activities. Information regarding accessing your annual allocation, lump sum budgeting, adapted spending guidelines, applying for supplemental funding, and the process for requesting to spend funds are highlighted below.

2024-2025 Organization/Club Budgets and Allocations

Accessing Your Club/Organization Allocation

Student clubs and organizations (recognized by Student Government) can access their 2024/2025 allocation via their organization's portal on ROYALSYNC within the "Budget" feature on their organization's dashboard. Only club leaders with officer access to ROYALSYNC will be able to access the allocation information. Clubs will be notified of their approved allocations in late August.

Accessing your Club/Organization Allocation

  1. Navigate to "" on the ROYALSYNC home page to access the list of organizations in which you are a member or serve as an officer.
  2. Click on the organization you would like to see the allocation for. On the top ribbon, click on the “Manage" button (you must be listed as an officer of the organization; general members will not have access to the allocation information).
  3. Click on "Budgeting" under "Money" on your group’s left-side menu. You will be directed to the page where you will view budget allocations for your organization.
  4. Navigate to the current budget year request by selecting the white dialogue box on the left-hand side and selecting “Student Government Allocation Fund 2024-2025”. This will open the outline of your organization's full budget request and the amounts approved for each budget item.
Your organization’s lump sum allocation will be found here as well as your organization’s requested line items and the respective amounts that were approved for by Student Government for each line item. You will be able to utilize these features as a reference for sending in spending requests. Any questions regarding accessing your organization's allocation can be directed to Lamar Bishop at sgtreasurer@scranton.edu
  • Please note, if your organization was chartered after August 2023, you cannot access your allocation until one-year past your charter date. We will contact the affected organizations in a follow-up message.   

Student Government Funding Appeals and New Initiative Funding

Student Government Allocation Appeals Deadline 

Clubs and organizations have the chance to appeal their specific budget allocations using the  This form is to appeal previously requested money you were denied in your fall and spring allocations. This is NOT to be used for new requests not previously outlined on your budget allocation request.
  • All appeals for allocations with Fall 2024 spending must be received on or prior to 4:00 PM on September 13, 2024.
  • All appeals for allocations with Intersession or Spring 2025 spending must be received on or prior to 4:00 PM on October 25, 2024. 

New Initiative Funding 

Clubs and organizations also have the ability to request new initiative funding using this form:  

  • This funding is for NEW club events or ideas that were not previously requested. In order for your request to be considered, it must not have been listed on your club's previous spring budget request. Special consideration will be given to events that are open to the entire campus community. 
  • There is a rolling deadline to access this funding, but no requests will be considered after March 28, 2025. 
  • Please note, new initiative funding requests must be submitted at least FOUR weeks prior to the event/initiative, as each request needs to first be reviewed by the allocations committee, and, if selected, will be added to the agenda of an upcoming senate meeting.

If you have any questions regarding appeals or new initiative funding, please reach out to Lamar Bishop at sgtreasurer@scranton.edu

Requesting to Spend Allocated Funds

To request to spend funds from your 2024-2025 allocation, you must fill out the “” form prior to any purchases. (Please note: Club Sports' spending will continue to go through Matt Pivirotto in the Recreational Sports department.)

All Student Government allocated spending requests must adhere to approved budget item line items and the following , or the request will be denied. Please take note of the restrictions for the categories of food, travel, and personal property and/or prizes sections. Club and organization leaders must also additionally submit an event registration using the “Create Event” button in your organization’s dashboard on ROYALSYNC prior to requesting the use of Student Government allocated funds.

Pilot Program: 2024-2025 Spending Guidelines

This year, Student Government is continuing a pilot program for club/organization spending with the goal of offering increased flexibility to student leaders in spending their Student Government allocated funds. While Student Government assigned allocations based on line-item submissions, clubs/organizations may spend down from their lump-sum "Approved" total without being restricted to approved budget line-item amounts as long as spending requests are compliant with the . All submitted spending requests will continue to be approved on an individual basis and must be reasonable, appropriate, and submitted in good faith.

Please review the full  for more detailed guidelines for requesting funding/spending from Student Government.


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