
Kids Exercise Video Library

The 性爱电影 Department of Physical Therapy can help you stretch, move, and stay healthy during this time at home with videos for kids in grades k - 2 and 3 - 5. Join students from The 性爱电影's Physical Therapy Program for a well balanced exercise program for home, fun play outside, and for tips on how to stay healthy and strong. 

Video Playlists

A Well Balanced Exercise Program at Home (Grades K-2)

Outdoor Play Safety (Grades K-2)

The Importance of Exercise and How to Stay Active at Home (Grades K-2)

Exercise, Health, and Wellness Video Collection for Grades 3 - 5

A Well Balanced Exercise Program at Home (Grades K-2)

Strong Legs with Kayla Brown

Stretch and Cool Down Mary Kate Halligan

Warm Up & Stretch with Vanessa Zimmerman

Superhero Arms with Ashley Genello

Outdoor Play Safety (Grades K-2)

Stay Safe on the Playground with Stevie Kalinoski

Test Your Playground Knowledge with Safety Police Steve Browning

Learn the "High Five Rules" for Playing Outside with Kailyn Angelo

Katie Explains Importance of Hydration for Having Fun

The Importance of Exercise and How to Stay Active at Home (Grades K-2)

Join Timmy, Casey , Rachel, and Bridget to Learn About Exercise and Staying Active at Home

Exercise, Health, and Wellness Video Collection for Grades 3 - 5

Featured Video 

Join Amanda T. for an Introduction to Mental Health and Breathing

 View the complete collection of exercise, health, and wellness videos for kids in grades 3 - 5 below!

Grades 3 -5 Video Collection

Nutrition Grades 3 - 5

Join Lizzy DiGiovine to Learn About Eating Healthy

How to Keep a Balanced Plate with Nicole Sanchirico

Supplies: 5 markers/crayons, pencil or pen, a piece of paper

References: U.S. Department of Agriculture. What Is My Plate. ChooseMyPlate

Learn About Safe Baking and How to Make Edible Cookie Dough with Morgan Rentzheimer

Ask a parent/guardian for help learning surfaces before you cook and for help with the recipe. 

Ingredients List:  1/4 cup packed brown sugar, 2 Tablespoons butter, softened,  1/8 teaspoon of salt,  1/8 teaspoon vanilla,  1 Tablespoon milk,  5 Tablespoons flour (eliminate any bacteria risks by toasting your flour at 350 degrees F for just 5 minutes), 2 Tablespoons chocolate chips

Join Lauren Wyant to Learn the Facts About Sugar

Heart Health Grades 3 - 5

Learn About Heart Health with Claire, Johanna, Janine, and Erin

Video Topics:

  • Claire Lacon  - Signs of a Heart Attack and How to R eact  
  • J ohannaLevine - Heart Diet (low fat/sodium)  
  • Janine DeLucia -Heart Healthy Diets  
  • Erin Hultberg - The Importance of Exercise for Heart Health  

Summer Safety Grades 3 - 5

Have Fun and Stay Safe with Michele, Erin, and Anthony

Video Topics:

  • M ichele  Calogero - Sun Safety 
  • Erin Ciarrocca - Pool Safety
  • A nthony Puglisi -  Hydration 

Benefits of Yoga Grades 3 - 5

Learn the Relaxing Benefits of Yoga with Rachel O.,  Alaina, Emily, Rachel K., and Elizabeth

Safety With Stroke and Orthostatic Hypotension Grades 3-5

Join Jake, Michael F., and Iain for a Lesson on Safety With Stroke and Orthostatic Hypotension 

You'll learn about blood flow in your body and how to be a "Safety Superhero" so you know what to do in case of an emergency.

Mental Health and Staying at Home Grades 3 - 5

Join Amanda T. for an Introduction to Mental Health and Breathing

Enjoy the Relaxing Benefits of Meditation with Sean

Yoga and Relaxation with Jeff

Learn About Mind Exercises and Help Work Out Your Brain with Lauren B.

The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise Grades 3 - 5

Learn How Food Powers Your Body and How to Exercise to Stay Healthy and Strong with Megan, Morgan, Mike M., and Katie 

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