
Students walking to and from class on the commons


The University sponsors several programs and organizations for international students, such as the International Students Club, Asian Club and Saudi Students Club.

The University offers international students a variety of interesting activities throughout the academic year. International students are actively engaged in the International Student Club (ISC) on-campus, moderated by the OISSS.

Over the years, the club has provided students with a range of exciting opportunities, such as trips, meetings, workshops and many more events. In the past, the club has had trips to New York City, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Baltimore, and other major cities in the Northeast United States.  Other trips over the years have included: skiing/snowboarding/tubing, Hershey Park, Whitewater Rafting, sports events, and more! The trips give students a chance to see countless attractions across major cities, while fully experiencing the American culture and way of life.  

Every week, the International Student Club has meetings where students present their own countries to other students to promote inter-cultural learning. These meetings provide students with the opportunity to socialize with people from various backgrounds over the course of a complimentary lunch and presentation,thereby encouraging greater integration between people at The University. Some of these presentations are known as the Cultural Exchange Program,which serves to teach members of club  another country and culture. 

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