
Faculty & Staff

Headshot of Janice Voltzow, Ph.D.

Janice Voltzow, Ph.D.

Professor; Department Chair


LSC 255 | (570) 941-4378

B.S., Yale University
Ph.D., Duke University

Dr. Voltzow is fascinated by marine animals and how they work. She studies abalone, whelks, conches and other invertebrates to understand how they move, breathe and make their shells. She serves as the Biology Department chair and is the director of the Magis Honors Program in STEM. Courses taught include General Biology I and II (BIOL 141-142), Invertebrate Biology and Laboratory (BIOL 272 / 272L), Marine Ecology (BIOL 273), and Comparative Biomechanics (BIOL 342) for majors, as well as Environmental Issues in Latin America (BIOL 204) for non-majors.


Headshot of Joe C. Brague, Ph.D.

Joe C. Brague, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 272 | (570) 941-4076

B.S., The ÐÔ°®µçÓ°
Ph.D., Lehigh University

Dr. Brague uses mice as models to understand how neural pathways in the brain respond to specific transmitters and hormones, as a way to study Parkinson's disease. Courses taught include General Physiology and Laboratory (BIOL 245 / 245L).

Headshot of Timothy Cadigan, S.J., Ph.D.

Timothy Cadigan, S.J., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 371 | (570) 941-4348

B.S., St. Louis University
M.Div., Th.M., Weston School of Theology
M.S., Ph.D., Georgetown University

The Rev. Cadigan loves helping students explore the mysteries of the microbial world. Courses taught include Medical Microbiology and Laboratory (BIOL 210 / 210L), Microbiology and Laboratory (BIOL 250 / 250L), and Principles of Immunology (BIOL 344).

He also works as a Jesuit, Catholic priest on campus and in the diocese of Scranton, celebrating the Sacraments and offering spiritual direction and counseling. He is co-moderator of the Students for Life Club.

Headshot of Ashley Driver, Ph.D.

Ashley Driver, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 375 | (570) 941-4536

B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ph.D, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Driver uses some of the latest molecular techniques to investigate the process cells use to make cholesterol. She is especially interested in understanding how this process impacts the formation of brain cells. Courses taught include Cellular Biology and Laboratory (BIOL 350 / 350L) and Developmental Biology and Laboratory (BIOL 351 / 351L).

Headshot of Vincent Farallo, Ph.D.

Vincent Farallo, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 373 | (570) 941-4294

B.S., John Carroll University
M.S., Texas State University, San Marcos
Ph.D., Ohio University

Dr. Farallo is fanatic about frogs, salamanders and other amphibians. He focuses on figuring out why amphibians live where they do and how they respond to changing environments, with an emphasis on local salamanders and poison dart frogs. Courses taught include Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II (BIOL 110-111), General Physiology Laboratory (245L), and Cellular and Integrative Physiology Laboratory (320L).

Headshot of Spencer Galen, Ph.D.

Spencer Galen, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 394 | (570) 941-6617

B.S., University of Delaware
M.S., University of New Mexico
Ph.D., Richard Gilder Graduate School, American Museum of Natural History

Dr. Galen researches the world of parasites and other symbiotic organisms that live in and on birds and other wildlife. Courses taught include General Biology I and II (BIOL 141 / 142). General Physiology Laboratory (BIOL 245L). and Science and the Human Environment (NSCI 201).

Headshot of Michael Hague, Ph.D.

Michael Hague, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 374 | (570) 941-7962

B.A., Whitman College
M.S., San Francisco State University
Ph.D., University of Virginia

Dr. Hague studies the evolution of bacteria called endosymbionts, which take up residence inside the cells of other organisms like insects. Courses taught include Microbiology (BIOL 250) and Microbiology Laboratory (BIOL 250L).

Headshot of Tara Hamilton-Fay, M.S.

Tara Hamilton-Fay, M.S.

Faculty Specialist


LSC 254 | (570) 941-4395

B.S., University of Massachusetts
M.S., University of Colorado

Internal Page

Professor Fay is fascinated by the details of human anatomy and physiology. She uses skeletons, clay models and other dynamic methods to share her enthusiasm and knowledge to her students. Courses taught include Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II lecture and lab (BIOL 110 / 110L and 111 / 111L), General Physiology lecture and lab (BIOL 245 / 245L), Extreme Physiology travel course (BIOL 395), and Physiology of Resilience (INTD 138).

Headshot of Christopher Howey, Ph.D.

Christopher Howey, Ph.D.

Associate Professor; Environmental Science Program Co-Director


LSC 251 | (570) 941-7544

B.S., University of Delaware
M.S., University of Central Arkansas
Ph.D., Ohio University

Dr. Howey's research focuses on how organisms like rattlesnakes, lizards and other reptiles respond to changes in their environment from both an ecological and physiological perspective. Courses taught include Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Lab (BIOL 241L), General Physiology Lab (BIOL 245L), Vertebrate Biology Lab (BIOL 374L), Biostatistics (BIOL 379), and Cellular and Integrative Physiology (PSIO 320).

Headshot of David Ingber, Ph.D.

David Ingber, Ph.D.

Faculty Specialist


LSC 291 | ‭(570) 941-5449‬

B.S., State University of New York at Oswego
M.S., Iowa State University
Ph.D., University of Delaware

Dr. Ingber works with crop pests that threaten world agricultural systems. He focuses on finding alternative pest management strategies that could reduce reliance on harmful pesticides. Courses taught include General Biology I and II and Laboratory (BIOL 141 / 141L and 142 / 142L), and Science and the Human Environment (NSCI 201).

Headshot of Bibi Rafeiza Khan, Ph.D.

Bibi Rafeiza Khan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 352 | (570) 941-7713

B.S., University of Guyana
M.S., University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Ph.D., University of Missouri - St. Louis

Dr. Khan uses a model plant that is related to broccoli, together with genetic, molecular and biochemistry techniques to uncover and characterize novel genes that regulate root growth and development. Courses taught include Molecular Biology I and Laboratory (BIOL 361 / 361L), Molecular Biology II and Laboratory (BIOL 362 / 362L), and Genetics (BIOL 260).

Headshot of Cara A. Krieg, Ph.D.

Cara A. Krieg, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 292 | ‭(570) 941-4823‬

B.A., Grinnell College
Ph.D., Michigan State University

Dr. Krieg uses a local population of wild songbirds to understand social behavior and communication. She is particularly interested in behaviors that are understudied in female animals. Courses taught include General Biology II (BIOL 142), Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (BIOL 241), Animal Behavior Laboratory (BIOL 370L), and Ecology Laboratory (BIOL 371L).

Headshot of Gary Kwiecinski, Ph.D.

Gary Kwiecinski, Ph.D.



LSC 295 | (570) 941-6387

B.S., Cornell University
M.S., Rutgers University
Ph.D., Cornell University

Dr. Kwiecinski uses bats and other animals for answering morphological, reproductive and biogeographical questions. Courses taught include General Physiology (BIOL 245), Animal Nutrition and Metabolism (BIOL 255), Histology and Laboratory (BIOL 352 / 352L), and Endocrinology and Reproduction (BIOL 346).

Headshot of Amelia Randich, Ph.D.

Amelia Randich, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 351 | (570) 941-5856

B.A., Grinnell College
Ph.D., University of Chicago

Dr. Randich is fascinated with bacteria with unique morphologies and reproduction modes. She uses a mixture of molecular and evolutionary biology to study how bacteria grow appendages. She helps advise students in the biochemistry, cell and molecular biology major. Courses taught include Microbiology and Microbiology Laboratory (BIOL 250 / 250L), Virology (BIOL 364) and Evolution (BIOL 375).

Headshot of Anne Royer, Ph.D.

Anne Royer, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


LSC 355 | (570) 941-7469

B.A., Oberlin College
Ph.D., Michigan State University

Dr. Royer loves plants and evolution. She studies how new species evolve, how flowers evolve, and also occasionally works with the DNA of vertebrates (like birds and rattlesnakes) to learn how they move through the world. Courses taught inlcude General Biology (BIOL 141 / 142), Tropical Biology travel course (BIOL 195), Humans and Evolution in Action (BIOL 284), Evolution (BIOL 375), and Biostatistics (BIOL 379).

Headshot of Marc Seid, Ph.D.

Marc Seid, Ph.D.



LSC 274 | (570) 941-7970

B.S., M.S., Brigham Young University
Ph.D., Boston University

Dr. Seid studies the role of the nervous system in the behavior of social insects such as ants and bees. He is particularly interested in how the nervous system of an individual influences how the colony behaves. He looks at how social behaviors evolved and how these behaviors are influenced by the environment. Courses taught include General Biology I (BIOL 141), Tropical Biology travel course (BIOL 195), Entomology and Laboratory (BIOL 271 / 271L), Neuroscience Research Seminar (NEUR 111), Research Methods in Neuroscience (NEUR 330), and Neuroethology (NEUR 368).

Headshot of Robert Smith, Ph.D.

Robert Smith, Ph.D.



LSC 252 | (570) 941-6581

B.S., Alma College
M.S., Central Michigan University
Ph.D., The University of Southern Mississippi

Dr. Smith studies the ecology of bird migration. Every spring and fall, students from Scranton and other nearby universities help him run a migration station, where they capture and collect data from migrating birds before releasing them. Dr. Smith also co-directs the Environmental Science major. Courses taught include: Conservation Biology (BIOL 274), Animal Behavior and Laboratory (BIOL 370 / 370L), Ecology and Laboratory (BIOL 371 / 371L), and Vertebrate Biology (BIOL 374).

Headshot of Jong-Hyun Son, Ph.D.

Jong-Hyun Son, Ph.D.

Associate Professor


LSC 372 | (570) 941-6216

B.S., Dankook University, Korea
M.S., Western Illinois University
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

Dr. Son studies the development of the vertebrate nervous system using a zebrafish model. He uses molecular, cellular and behavioral strategies to study the mechanisms of brain connectivity (axon pathfinding and synaptic connectivity) and the development of zebrafish swimming behavior. Courses taught include General Biology (BIOL 141), Genetics and Laboratory (BIOL 260 / 260L), Neuroscience Research and Methods (NEUR 330), for majors, and Introduction to Biological Science (BIOL 101) and Organisms, Evolution and Environment (BIOL 102) for non-majors.

Headshot of Maria Squire, Ph.D.

Maria Squire, Ph.D.



LSC 253 | (570) 941-4742

B.S., The ÐÔ°®µçÓ°
M.S., Ph.D., Stony Brook University

Dr. Squire investigates the structural organization of bone and how it is affected by genetic and/or environmental factors. Courses taught include Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II and laboratories (BIOL 110 /110L and BIOL 111 / 111L), Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II and Laboratories (PSIO 220 / 220L and 221 / 221L), General Physiology and Laboratory (BIOL 245 / 245L) and Skeletal Biology (BIOL 453).

Headshot of Terrence Sweeney, Ph.D., FAPS

Terrence Sweeney, Ph.D., FAPS

Professor; Physiology Program Director


LSC 275 | (570) 941-7623

B.A., Colgate University
M.S., Ph.D., University of Rochester

Dr. Sweeney's research focuses on the human heart and circulation. He has designed a physical model that lets researchers and students explore the effects of pressure differences and other controls on human circulation. He directs the physiology major. Courses taught include General Physiology and Laboratory (BIOL 245 / 245L), Extreme Physiology travel course (BIOL 395), Cardiovascular Physiology (BIOL 446), Cellular and Integrative Physiology Lecture and Laboratory (PSIO 320 / 320L) and Experimental Approaches in Physiology (PSIO 390).

Headshot of Robert Waldeck, Ph.D.

Robert Waldeck, Ph.D.

Associate Professor; Neuroscience Program Director


LSC 273 | (570) 941-4324

B.A., Lehigh University
M.P.A., University of Delaware
M.A., Ph.D., Temple University

Dr. Waldeck examines neuroplasticity in escape behavior under normal conditions in fish and crayfish. He also studies axonal regeneration following injury of the central nervous system in fish. He directs the neuroscience program. Courses taught include General Biology I and II (BIOL 141-142), Neuroscience Lab Rotations Seminar (NEUR 110), Functional Neuroanatomy (BIOL/NEUR 348), Cellular / Molecular Neurobiology (NEUR 358), and Neuroscience: Literature and Society II (NEUR 491).


Elizabeth T. Chalk, M.S.

Administrative Assistant


LSC 211E | (570) 941-6117

Laura Raba

Animal Caretaker


(570) 941-4114

Headshot of Deborah Wardach, M.S.

Deborah Wardach, M.S.

Laboratory Supervisor


LSC 391 | (570) 941-7558

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