
Two students working in the Alperin Center

Economics, Finance & International Business Department

What We Do:

We prepare students for leadership roles in the 21st century global economy. Students gain a solid foundation in economics and finance that is rooted in the Jesuit tradition of social responsibility and ethics. This background is essential for navigating a business world in constant evolution. 

Faculty News:

  • Drs. Balagozyan and Ghosh have published the second volume of the Barometer, which is a digital newsletter sponsored by the Kania School of Management at the 性爱电影. The periodic newsletter aims to provide a rigorous analysis of the regional economy of Wyoming Valley of Northeastern Pennsylvania that can be accessible to academics and non-academics alike.
  • Dr. Cai's research titled "Sleeplessness, distraction and stock market performance: Evidence from the world cup" has been accepted by Global Finance Journal. Link:  
  • Drs. Petsas and Cai research collaboration titled "Corporate events, return synchronicity and price efficiency" resulted in a publication at the Journal of Economic Asymmetries. 
  • Dr. Scahill is a regular contributor to Wall Street Journal Weekly Review. For more information about the contributors, please click here: 
  • Dr. John Kallianiotis's new book is now available:
    Political History and Economic Policy of the Greek Civilizer Alexander the GreatHauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers, July 2020, ISBN: 978-1-53618-072-5.

How We Stand Out:

Accredited by AACSB International. The Kania School of Management is among fewer than 5 percent of business schools worldwide hold this prestigious distinction.

Nationally and internationally acclaimedPrinceton Review has listed Kania among the Best Business Schools for the past 5 years. In 2008, Entrepreneur Magazine ranked the MBA program among the top 15 nationally in general management. U.S. News and World Report also recognizes the Kania School among its list of best business schools.

Jesuit education. The goals of the department reflect our Jesuit values of social responsibility and giving back to others. Scranton economics and finance graduates are well-rounded and thoughtful contributors to society with a strong commitment to ethical business practices.

Alperin Financial Center. Students obtain hands-on experience with stock and foreign-currency markets. This state-of-the-art center simulates a trading floor, complete with: an electronic ticker displaying data feeds directly from Wall Street, monitors displaying up-to-the-minute financial news, 12 Bloomberg terminals, and computing hardware and software that facilitate sophisticated analyses of equities and currencies.

Did you know? More students from the Economics, Finance & International Business department have received the prestigious McGowan Scholarship than students from all the other business departments combined.


  • - The major in Economics equips students with the training and background needed to assume responsible, decision-making positions in the financial sector, industries and government service. It is especially appropriate for students intending graduate studies in Economics or careers in law.
  • - Finance majors learn how to make financial decisions for organizations. Course work covers such topics as investments, portfolio management, and fixed income securities and markets. The department offers two tracks within the Finance major: Financial Services and Corporate Finance.
  • - An interdisciplinary program, drawing on all areas of business, with a particular focus on international trade, multinational corporations, and foreign direct investment.
  • - This program provides Kania School of Management students the opportunity to complete a combined bachelor's degree and MBA in a five year period.

Meet Our Faculty:

The Economics, Finance & International Department at the 性爱电影 has a long-standing tradition of excellence in teaching and scholarship.

Students gain an international perspective of finance and economics, which is essential for doing business in today’s global economy. Our faculty is comprised of leaders from around the world. Their impressive academic credentials include:

  • London School of Economics
  • University of Calcutta
  • University of Punjab, Pakistan
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Yerevan State University, Armenia
  • Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
  • Renmin University of China

Iordanis Petsas

Iordanis Petsas


Professor of Economics, Chair

B.A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida

Phone: 570-941-7752
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Aram Balagyozyan

Aram Balagyozyan

Associate Professor of Economics

B.S., Yerevan State University
Ph.D., The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York

Phone: 570-941-5934
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Jinghan Cai

Jinghan Cai

Associate Professor of Finance

B.A., Renmin University of China
Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong
Ph.D., Boston College

Phone: 570-941-4773
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Satyajit Ghosh

Satyajit Ghosh

Professor of Economics

B.A., Presidency College, India
M.A., University of Calcutta
M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo

Phone: 570-941-6197
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John Kallianiotis

John Kallianiotis

Professor of Finance

B.A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
M.A., M.Ph., Ph.D., City University of New York

Phone: 570-941-7577
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Pedro A. Monteiro

Pedro A. Monteiro

Assistant Professor

B.A., Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
M.A., Florida Atlantic University
Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University

Phone: 570-941-6228
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Hong Nguyen

Hong Nguyen

Associate Professor of Economics

B.S., State University of New York at Brockport
M.A., Ph.D., Binghamton University

Phone: 570-941-7475
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Christos Pargianas

Christos Pargianas

Associate Professor of Economics

B.A., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
M.A., University of Macedonia
M.A, Brown University
Ph.D., Brown University

Phone: 570-941-7176
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Murli Rajan

Murli Rajan

Associate Dean

Phone: 570-941-6240
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John Ruddy

John Ruddy

Associate Professor of Finance

B.S. The 性爱电影
M.B.A. The George Washington University
D.P.S. Pace University

Phone: 570-941-4043
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Edward Scahill

Edward Scahill

Associate Professor of Economics

B.S., St. Bonaventure University
M.A., Ph.D., Binghamton University

Phone: 570-941-4187
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Inside the Classroom:

Students appreciate our warm culture of cura personalis – or care of the whole person – in the Jesuit tradition. Faculty members are accessible and available to students on a routine basis through a generous open door policy. Students discover a strong sense of community at Scranton and mentoring relationships with faculty.

We offer small classes and personal attention from faculty who have years experience both in industry and the classroom. And we complement that with internships, research opportunities and hands-on experience with industry standard finance technologies.

In addition, faculty members like Aram Balagyozyan take advantage of events like meetings of the Federal Reserve to bring students to the trading floor to observe in person how the market reacts to major changes.

Student Research:

Scranton undergraduate students have the unique opportunity to participate in faculty-mentored research. One example is an Assessment on Research in International Finance, Exchange Rate, and EU with . By participating in this research, students gain skills in data analysis and learn how to prepare material for publication.

Career Outcomes:

Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to preparing students to succeed in whatever career path they choose. For some, that means business or law school. Other graduates begin their career in industry, including prestigious Wall Street firms.

Scranton alumni are employed by:

  • AXA Financial
  • FactSet
  • Federal Reserve Board of Governors
  • Goldman Sachs
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
  • Pershing Securities
  • PNC Bank
  • Prudential Asset Management
