
Meet our Writing Consultants

The Writing Center employs a variety of outstanding students from various academic backgrounds with different writing specialties. We have both graduate and undergraduate consultants. Please read about them before booking your first appointment to connect with a student in a similar field or with a particular focus.
Four Writing Consultants in front of a tree in Spring

Writing Consultant Bios

Photo of a young woman smiling

Hannah Adams [she/her/hers]

Hi! My name is Hannah. I am a Sophomore Biology major with a minor in English. After I graduate, I intend to go to vet school to one day become a veterinarian. This is my first semester at the Writing Center, and I am very excited to start as a writing consultant. I am most familiar with writing in the styles of MLA and APA. I generally specialize in creative writing pieces, research papers, laboratory reports, and scientific articles. Having a positive demeanor and creating a safe space where people can express their needs is extremely important to me. I thoroughly enjoy guiding people in the ways of writing, whether it be through the rules of grammar or "bigger picture" ideasOutside the classroom, I am the treasurer of the Biology Club and a Pre-Veterinary Club member. I love to ride horses as part of the University’s Equestrian Team. Spending time studying is very important to me; however, I still find time to relax and have fun! 


Samantha J. Bedolla [she/they]

My name is Sam. I’m a graduate student from Idaho here pursuing a master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I’m a first-generation college student, and first-generation American who is somewhat bilingual. I speak English very well; I understand a lot of Spanish, but my fluency in Spanish as a speaker is conversational at best, and limited in many academic areas. I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2021 with a major in psychology and sociology, and three minors (human services, criminal justice, and natural science), so I’m most comfortable with APA, but I also took a lot of English classes over the course of my undergraduate studies because I genuinely enjoy writing, so I’m well-versed in MLA. Although I’ve been tutoring since 2018, the Spring 2023 semester is really only my second semester at the 性爱电影, and my very first semester tutoring here. In my free time, I spend a lot of time listening to music (much too loudly), and attending concerts or music festivals (basically, I’m a little hard of hearing), but generally speaking, my hobbies and interests are pretty scattered.


A photo of a man in front of a Christmas tree

Anthony Bogar [he/him/his]

Hi! My name is Anthony Bogar, most people call me Ant though. I’m a sophomore Political Science major with a minor in Criminal Justice and a Legal Studies Concentration, and I intend on becoming a lawyer after college. Since coming to Scranton, I’ve always wanted to become a writing tutor, so I’m very excited to start my work as one in the Spring 2024 semester! Rest assured, I have had plenty of experience helping people write and have been writing creatively since 2013, which I plan to continue to pursue and one day become an author. No matter the writing format, I am familiar with it all and I am confident in my ability to help other people become better writers. In my own time, I enjoy creative writing, exploring, making videos and scripts, and video editing! 

A picture of Myracle, a student tutor at the Writing Center

Myracle Brunette [she/her/hers]

Hi! My name is Myracle Brunette, but my friends call me Myra for short. I am a sophomore Theater Major with a General Business minor. As a Theater major, I'm often involved in productions for The U of S Players. I am a member of The U's hip-hop dance team, Urban Beats Crew. Speaking of clubs, I'm also a part of The United Cultural Organization and The Black Student Union.  I only speak English but I'm working on my Spanish speaking skills, so I can only understand a tiny bit.  Being a theater major, my classes consist of a lot of creative activities and writing. Regarding writing styles, I'm somewhat educated in APA, but I am much more skilled and comfortable with MLA. During my free time, I'm often traveling to fulfill modeling gigs. Some hobbies I enjoy doing include watching Netflix, drinking Starbucks, hanging out with friends, listening to music, sleeping, dancing, baking, or exploring new foods.  

 Young woman holding plant in greenhouse

Elizabeth Dockett  [she/her/hers]

Hi! I’m Elizabeth Dockett, but I go by Libby. I’m a junior Journalism & Electronic Media major on the broadcast track with a minor in English. I want to become a multimedia journalist working for either NPR or CBS. This is my first semester with the writing center and I’m super hyped to start! I passed the GSP (Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation) exam so the rules of grammar are ingrained in my head. I’m a naturally creative person, so I’m a great person to bounce ideas off if you’re lost while writing. Additionally, in journalism you learn the art of brevity and clarity, so I’ll help you get your point across in the clearest way possible. On campus I’m a member of The Aquinas and USPB, the latter of which I will be serving as Vice Chair of Series. I also have a radio show on WUSR with my friend and I serve as an intern for the Community Relations Department. As for hobbies, I love photography, discovering new hangout spots, writing, watching movies, and reading.

This is a photo of Julia Edmonds, a tutor in The Writing Center

Julia Edmonds [she/her/hers]

Hi! My name is Julia Edmonds and I’m a junior Journalism major with a minor in Spanish. I’m ecstatic to start my first year at the Writing Center! I’ve always loved to read and write since I was young, so becoming a writing consultant was a great way to create a use for my skills, so I’m excited to offer my help to those who need it! I used to be a student who was nervous to go to the Writing Center for help, and now that I’m on the other side of that interaction, I want to help students who may also be hesitant to ask for help. My career here as a Journalism major also allows me to dig deeper with research, work on numerous papers, and strengthen my editing abilities. These are all skills I’d like to translate into assistance at the Writing Center to help students learn and grow. I’m most comfortable with MLA format and AP style (journalism-style formatting), but I have experience with APA and Chicago as well. In my free time, I’m a member of the photography club, play intramural volleyball, and I’m in Rho Tau Eta, the Department of Communication & Media’s Distinguished Leaders Program. I’m excited to start this semester as a new writing consultant and help others and also learn more myself!

Image of young woman in front of vibrant flower wall

Abigail Griesemer [she/her/hers]

Hi! I’m Abbey, I am a Sophomore Early and Primary Education major. I love reading, writing, and, most importantly, helping others learn. After graduation, I plan on becoming a 2nd-grade teacher, where I hope to use some of my skills from the writing center in my classroom. This is going to be my first semester working as a writing consultant, and I couldn’t be more excited. I have the most familiarity with the writing formats of APA and MLA. However, I can help with all kinds of papers, such as creative writing, research papers, editorial styles, and so many other styles as well. Often, I find myself helping my friends with their papers, whether that be with style, tone, overall flow, or even grammar. Also, I believe whoever works with me will learn more about their own writing and help improve my writing skillsI hope to be a friendly face to help you through your writing and any other challenges you may face when writing a paper for your classes. 

Vanesa Figueiras [she/her/hers]

My name is Vanesa Figueiras and I am a senior Kinesiology major with a minor in Counseling and Human Services and a concentration in Nutrition. I started working as a writing tutor in the spring of 2022. I am bilingual – fluent in both English and Spanish – and I am very comfortable conversing and writing in Spanish in addition to identifying any discrepancies in translation. I am a member of the Physical Therapy club as well as the Society for Sustainability and Conservation. I also enjoy hiking, traveling, and listening to music!


Lauren Kraemer [she/her/hers]

My name is Lauren Kraemer, and I am a senior Occupational Therapy Major with minors in Writing and Psychology. I began working in the Writing Center in the fall of 2022. I am well-versed in APA format and scientific writing, particularly research papers. My Writing Minor has also given me tons of experience with various creative genres, including fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. I am also familiar with rhetorical analyses and reflection papers. On campus, I also serve as co-chair of the Mission Committee for USPB, an editor for Esprit, and a member of both the Knitting Club and SOTA. In my free time, I love going to concerts, exploring new places, being outdoors, and doing all things creative, such as crocheting, painting, and (surprise) writing!  

A young man with dark curly hair standing in front of a blue background

John Martoccia [he/him/his]

 Hey, I’m John, I am a sophomore Cybercrime and Homeland Security major. I love hiking, watching movies, reading, and learning new things. After school I plan to work as a civil employee at the state or federal level. This is my first semester working as a writing consultant and I’m extremely excited. Writing has been a profound part of my life, and I find the prospect of getting people as enthusiastic about writing as I am exciting. I’m most familiar with MLA format but I also have some experience with APA and Chicago styles. If you find yourself daunted with starting a paper, annoyed with articulating yourself within the confines of academic writing, or even just want someone to bounce ideas off of I'm your guy! 

A woman with black curly hair siting up against a wall

Faith Montagnino [she/her/hers]

Hi! My name is Faith Montagnino, and I’m a sophomore English major with Writing and Philosophy minors in the SJLA and University Honors programs. The spring 2024 semester will be my first semester with the Writing Center! I specialize in creative writing pieces, humanities research papers, and academic writing generally within the liberal arts. I am most familiar with MLA format, but also have extensive experience with the APA, APSA, and Chicago styles. I also have relatively fluid reading knowledge of French, should you need any help with translation or writing in another language! On campus, I’m a student research fellow with the Slattery Center, general editor for Esprit, member of the English International Honor Society, and Company Manager for the 性爱电影 Players; I’m also involved with HerCampus Scranton and the U of S Writing Club. I love listening to music, being on stage, and creatively writing in my free time! 

A young man with dark hair smiling

Matthew Moreira  [he/him/his]

 Hello, I’m Matthew Moreira. I am a graduate student pursuing my MBA (Master of Business Administration) with a concentration in Business Analytics. I graduated from Scranton in 2024 with a double major in Philosophy and Business Administration and a minor in Data Analytics. I have been part of the University’s baseball team for the last four seasons and even served as captain during my senior year. So, I am excited to continue both my academic and athletic pursuits for one more year! During my undergraduate studies, I was involved in included the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program, the Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Honors Society, the Phi Sigma Tau Philosophy Honors Society, and the NCAA Student Athlete Advisory Committee. This will be my first semester in the writing center, and I am truly excited to collaborate with students to help facilitate a safe space for creativity, learning, and growth. I am very detail-oriented in my own writing, and I hope to be a good resource for all students looking to enhance the organization and structure of their work. With English as my native tongue, I have working proficiency in Spanish as well as conversational proficiency in Portuguese. Some of my hobbies include lifting weights, doing hot yoga, and spending time outdoors

Picture of woman sitting at table with lights in the background

Brenna Parker [she/her/hers]

My name is Brenna, and I’m a junior English major with a communication minor. This is my first semester at the Writing Center and I could not be more excited! I specialize in both creative and academic writing, more specifically in humanities courses. I’m most familiar with MLA and AP formatting but can help with Chicago and APA as well if needed. With experience in both the English and Communication departments, I am able to help students clearly communicate their arguments, points, or theories through their writing clearly and effectively. Outside of class, I am the Editor of HerCampus Scranton, an online publication club dedicated to empowering college women. I am also a member of Esprit, the University’s literary magazine, and of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society. My hobbies consist of cooking, poetry, and reading, and my social life consists of movie-watching, coffee trips, and listening to music with the windows down. 


Working as a Writing Consultant

Working in the Writing Center can be challenging and rewarding. Consultants develop a diverse perspective by working closely with a wide variety of students and disciplines. Being a consultant sharpens their own writing skills by giving them opportunities to view a multitude of writing samples and articulate their feedback. In servicing the campus community in this role, they live the Jesuit principle of “men and women for others.”

To learn more about becoming a Writing Center consultant, read the job description here.To apply to be a Writing Center Consultant, click .

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