
Faculty Student Research Program

FSRP Learning Contract is due to the Registrar's office by dates below for the Academic Year 2023-2024.

table indicating due dates for the 2023-2024 academic year
Term Due Date
Fall 2023 09/15/2023
Intersession (full term) 2024 01/19/2024
Spring 2024 02/09/2024
Summer (full term) 2024 06/14/2024

What is FSRP?

How does FSRP Work?

The student will work with faculty to identify potential research opportunities. After a student has secured a faculty sponsor, the student will meet with the sponsor to discuss the research and activities involved. When an agreement between the student and faculty is reached, they complete a joint , detailing the nature of the research and the task involved.

How to Apply

After a student identifies a faculty mentor, the Learning Contract must be completed and return to the Registrar's office.

FSRP Learning Contract

FSRP Learning Contract is due to the Registrar's office by dates below for the Academic Year 2023-2024:

table indication due dates for the 2023-2024 academic year
Term Due Date
Fall 2023 09/15/2023
Intersession (full term) 2024 01/19/2024
Spring 2024 02/09/2024
Summer (full term) 2024 06/14/2024

Time Commitment

Students are required to commit a minimum of one full semester or a summer or intersession term to FSRP. Work may continue beyond one term but you must register each term.

Students should expect to devote a minimum of 20 hours per term to the research activities; however, the exact scheduling of time may vary depending on the particular research needs, and the personal schedule of the faculty member and the student.

Benefits of FSRP

  • FSRP supports and encourages increased research activities at the university level.
  • Collaborative efforts of the faculty and students create an environment in which students can conduct research, develop research skills, and apply knowledge gained in coursework.
  • Meaningful dialogue between students and faculty is at the core of the learning process. This dialogue is enhanced by the opportunity for faculty and students to interact outside the classroom.
  • Faculty benefit from the assistance of capable, motivated students.
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