


  1. How will I find out about the survey results?
    We will receive summary for our library and be able to make comparisons among all participating academic institutions. This will help us see best practices and determine how we might devise a plan for improvement. We will also be able to acknowledge where we are doing a good job of meeting our user’s expectations. As we did for the 2006 administration of LibQUAL+™.We will post results on the Library’s web pages in the form of the data itself and our analysis. We will also post our strategy for responding to areas in which we need to develop our library program. There will also be articles in the Library’s Information Update Newsletter.

  2. What information is shared with other institutions?
    Only summary statistics are shared with other institutions on a password-protected web site. Comments to open-ended questions will be posted on the Library's LibQUAL+™. No response is linked to any individual.

  3. What if I still have questions?
    If this FAQ has not answered your questions or concerns, please email Bonnie Strohl strohlb1@scranton.edu.

    If you are among those selected for the random sample, we hope that you will choose to respond to the survey. We value your input and are eager to hear from you!

    Thank you.
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