
Information Literacy Stipends 2013

Five Information Literacy Stipends were awarded for 2013. Project descriptions and final reports where available are found below:

Students in Dr. Dona Carpenter’s Nursing Ethics (NURS 595) course will demonstrate advanced searching techniques to select research studies addressing ethical issues in health care; will examine information from a variety of sources and evaluate reliability, validity, accuracy, authority, timeliness of the material as it relates to an issues forum topic; synthesize ethical research ideas to construct new concepts relevant to a case analysis paper; and will demonstrate awareness of the principles and practice of academic integrity.

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Carpenter’s final report.

Although Dr. Lori Bruch has always included a class in library instruction whenever she taught Professional Issues in Rehabilitation Counseling (COUN 520), she is proposing to tie the Rehabilitation Counseling student learning outcomes to the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards. Students will complete several important projects to gain competency in rehabilitation counseling knowledge domains to enable them to develop information literacy skills that will be transferable throughout their graduate studies and career. An assessment plan will be developed that utilizes pre and post testing to determine student learning outcomes in information literacy.

Collaborating Librarian is Bonnie Strohl, Associate Dean of the Library.
Read Dr. Bruch’s final report.

Students in Jesuits and American History to 1877 (History 110x), taught by Dr. David Dzurec, will participate in a series of activities and assignments including several library sessions so that students will learn what resources are available to them.  These library sessions will be bookended with a pretest and post-test designed to measure the effectiveness of these visits.  Following these visits, students will be expected to choose a research topic (specifically a North American Jesuit prior to 1877) based on the available resources.  Students will then be expected to develop a bibliography, write a literature review of their collected sources, develop an outline of their final paper, and complete the project.  Collectively this process will provide first year students with a basic foundation in information literacy upon which to build in subsequent course work.

Collaborating Librarian is Kevin Norris, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Dzurec’s final report.

Dr. Annie Hounsokou will integrate information literacy into African Cultures and Civilizations (ARTH 119), an interdisplinary course developed to introduce students to African civilization through culture productions.  Students will gain analytical skills and develop reading and writing abilities though a research process that focuses on identification of primary resources and knowledge of the historical context in which works were created.  Students will have two sessions of information literacy instruction to learn selection of appropriate databases, distinguishing between primary and secondary sources and the proper format for citing works.

Collaborating Librarian is Kevin Norris, Assistant Professor.
Read Dr. Hounsokou’s final report.

Dr. Maria Oreshkina outlines assessments and assignments that will be developed and implemented in Educational Psychology (EFND 501) in order to enhance graduate students' research and information literacy skills. She will utilize the pre-test/post-test method to evaluate the entry and exit levels of the research and information literacy skills of the students in this course. She will also create rubrics to evaluate students' competence of applying some research and information literacy skills in the course of completing research assignments. During an information literacy session, Librarian Betsey Moylan focused on how to find scholarly research vs. popular or trade articles.

Collaborating Librarian is Betsey Moylan, Associate Professor.
Read Dr. Oreshkina’s final report.

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