
Workshops & Presentations

Dr. John Norcross frequently delivers professional workshops and invited addresses. He has done so in 35 countries. The most frequent topics are:

Keynotes/Addresses (45 - 90 minutes)

  • Psychotherapy Relationships That Work: Evidence-Based Practices 
  • Personalizing Psychotherapy: A New Therapy for Each Patient
  • Psychotherapist Self-Care: Leaving It at the Office
  • Integrating Self-Help into Psychotherapy
  • Psychotherapy Integration: The Mandate
  • Stages of Change: What Works for Whom
  • Psychoquackery: Discredited Psychological Treatments and Tests 

CE Workshops (3 - 10 hours)

  • Personalized Psychotherapy: Assessing & Accommodating Patient Preferences
  • Stages of Change: Creating a New Therapy for Each Client
  • Leaving It at the Office: Psychotherapist Self-Care
  • Integrating Self-Help into Psychotherapy
  • Accessing the Best Online Research: EBP Skills (with Lauren Maggio)

Applying to Graduate School Workshop
Ranges in length from 2 hours to 6 hours; designed for prospective graduate students. Please also refer to Dr. Norcross and Hogan's 12 online on preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology.

Please e-mail Dr. Norcross directly to inquire about his availability and honorarium.
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