
Our Services

We are committed to offering exceptional technical services to the campus community. Our services range from account operations to in-depth technical support. You will find most of these services outlined below, with additional information when available.

If you need immediate assistance, please contact our Technology Support Center at 570-941-4357 or techsupport@scranton.edu.

Accounts, Passwords & RoyalCard:
Directory Services and Authentication, Third Party Access, RoyalCard, Two Step Authentication

IT Matters, Portal Announcements, itservices email announcements

Business and Administrative Systems:
Argos, Banner, Imaging, Microsoft Office 365, Self Service and Workflow

Classrooms, Labs & Mediated Facilities:
Classroom Technology/Database, Classroom Support and Repairs, Digital Signage, Facility Design and Consultation, Virtual LabsSoftware Requests

Computer, Mobile Devices & Software:
Computer Repair, Desktop Management, Remote DesktopsEquipment Requests, Hardware PurchasingMobile Devices

Educational Technologies:
Zoom, Lecture Capture using Panopto, LMS (Desire2Learn), , Exam Scanning

Email & Collaboration:
Royal Lists, Office 365RoyalDriveOneDrive/SharePoint, Network Drives H:\ and G:\

Help, Support & Training
Technology Support Center, Training, , Working Remotely - Resources and Instructions, Technology Checklist For Your Successful Return To Campus, Microsoft 365 Resources

IT Security:
Desktop Security, Sharing Files with Restricted Data, CSIRT, Firewall Management, (authentication required), Investigative Services, Account Security, Security Consulting, Virus Protection, Vulnerability Scanning

IT Strategy Management:
Asset Management and Vendor Relations, Business Analysis and Improvement, Application Evaluation, Integration Services, IT Hardware/Software/Third-party Vendor Request Procedure, Vendor Evaluations, Budget Planning

Network & Connectivity:
RoyalSecure Wireless NetworkNetwork Guest Access, Network Management, Port Management, Remote Access, eduroam

Orientations & Programs:

Undergraduate Student Orientation, Graduate Student Orientation, New Employee Orientation, Faculty Orientation

Servers, Data & Printing:
Print Management, UniPrint, File Storage Management, Hosting Services

Voice & Video Services:
Cable TV, Telephones, Cell Phones, CallTower Phone Conferencing

Web Services:
Blogs, Web Forms

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