
Tracey Collins, PT, PhD, MBA, GCS

Assistant Professor

Department of Physical Therapy
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510-4586
Office: Edward Leahy Hall (ELH) 624
Voice: (570) 941-4832
Email : tracey.collins@scranton.edu

B.S., The 性爱电影
M.B.A., UNC-Wilmington
Ph.D., Walden University

Courses Taught

PT 702 Basic Patient Management Lecture/Lab
PT 757 Organization & Management in PT

PT 773 Scientific Inquiry III

PT 703 Advanced Patient Management Lecture/Lab
PT 732 Geriatric PT

Research Interests

  • Home Health
  • Geriatric Care
  • Administration

Professional Activities

Appointed/Elected Positions
  • Specialization Academy of Content Experts (SACE) Item Writer for Geriatrics: (2013-2018)
  • )

Reviewer for Professional Journals
  • Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics: (2017 to present)
  • Home Healthcare Nurse: (2013-present)
  • CNS Press: (2012-present)

Publications and Presentations (Within 10 years)


Yong K, Miller KL, Talbout J, Gilroy N, Berman M, Marchetti M, Collins TL, Falvey J, Booths B, Harbour V, Anderson E. (2018) Value Statement for Home Health Physical Therapy. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 53(1), p 10.

Counihan C, Massar A, Mulroy K, Collins TL. (2018). Impact of Home Modifications on the Promotion of Aging in Place by Improving Physical Performance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Abstract. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 53(2), p 31.

Taylor M, Wilkie B, Collins TL. (2018). The Association of Medications and Falls in the Home Care Setting: A Systematic Review. Abstract. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 53(2), p 30.

Gilman, S, Grenaldo J, Principe D, Scarpelli, Collins TL. (2017). The Effects of Physical Therapy on Quality of Life in Adult Patients on Hospice or Palliative Care: A Systematic Review. Abstract. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 52(2), p 15.

Principe D, Pierce G, Collins TL. (2017). Patient Satisfaction in Older Adults using Telerehabilitation in Home Health: A Systematic Review. Abstract  The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 52(2), p 14.

Pierce G, Principe D, Collins TL. (2017). Patient Quality of Life and Satisfaction Outcomes in Home-Based Cardiac Telerehabilitation Versus Other Settings: A Literature Review. Abstract. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 52(2), p.16.

Principe D, Pierce G, Collins TL. (2016). Patient Satisfaction in Older Adults using Telerehabilitation in Home Health: A Systematic Review. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 51(4), p 25-27.

Pierce G, Principe D, Collins TL. (2016). Patient Quality of Life and Satisfaction Outcomes in Home-Based Cardiac Telerehabilitation Versus Other Settings: A Literature Review. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 51(3), p.17-18.

Collins, TL, Fleagle, P, Reale, N (2016). Common Causes and Rates of Readmissions in Home Health Following Total Hip Arthroplasty or Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review. Abstract. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 51(2), p.26.

Collins, TL, Reale, N, Fleagle, PE, (2016). Teaching Models in Home Care: A Literature Review. Abstract.  The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 51(2), p.25.

Buckley, ME., Calabrese, JE, Cristiano MR., Piatt BN., Collins, TL (2016). Does Continuity of Care Affect Patient Outcomes in the Home Healthcare Setting: A Systematic Review. Abstract. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 51(2), p.22.

Reale, N, Fleagle, P, Collins, TL (2015). Teaching Models in Home Care: A Literature Review.  The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 50(3), p.15-17.

Collins, TL (2015). Writing a Case Report. The Quarterly Report: a publication of the Home Health Section –APTA, 50(3), p. 25-27.



Collins, TL, Mikula D, Ochalski N. (February 14, 2020). The Effect of Home Health Care in Reducing Hospital Readmission for Individuals with Heart Failure. Platform presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, Denver, CO.

McGowan M, Collins TL. (January 25, 2019). The Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Patients with Chronic Pain in Home Health Physical Therapy: A Systematic Review. Platform Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, Washington, DC.

Cavanaugh W, Huller J, Mullery N, Pichiarello J, Collins TL (January 25, 2019). The Impact of Home Health Care on Cost Effectiveness Compared to Other Post-Acute Settings in Individuals Status Post Total Joint Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review. Platform Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, Washington, DC.

Wong KW, Miller KL, Falvey JR, Collins TL, Booths B (January 25, 2019) The Value of Home Health Physical Therapy. Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, Washington, DC

Krasucki LE, Pankey JA, Serzan CA, Vondercrone JL, Collins TL. (February 23, 2018) The Use of Topical Olive Oil as an Effective Preventative Measure for Pressure Ulcers: A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, New Orleans, LA.

Counihan C, Massar A, Mulroy K, Collins TL. (February 24, 2018)   Impact of Home Modifications on the Promotion of Aging in Place by Improving Physical Performance in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, New Orleans, LA.

Collins TL, Fleagle P, Reale N. (February 16, 2017) Patient –Centered Care: Motivational Interviewing and Health Coaching. Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA, San Antonio, TX.

Principe D, Pierce G, Collins TL. (February 18, 2017). Patient Satisfaction in Older Adults using Telerehabilitation in Home Health: A Systematic Review. Poster presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA San Antonio, TX.

Pierce G, Principe D, Collins TL. (February 18, 2017). Patient Quality of Life and Satisfaction Outcomes in Home-Based Cardiac Telerehabilitation Versus Other Settings: A Literature Review. Poster presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA San Antonio, TX.

Gilman, S, Grenaldo J, Principe D, Scarpelli, Collins TL. (February 18, 2017).  The Effects of Physical Therapy on Quality of Life in Adult Patients on Hospice or Palliative Care: A Systematic Review. Poster presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA San Antonio, TX.

Reale, N, Fleagle, P, Collins, TL (February 20, 2016). Teaching Models in Home Care: A Literature Review.  Poster presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA Anaheim, CA.

Janes, M, Collins, TL, Marchetti, M. (February 19, 2016). Home Health Research Review. Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA Anaheim, CA.

Miller, KL, Collins, TL, Berman, M. (February 18, 2016) Developing a Student Clinical Education Program in Home Health. Presentation at Combined Sections Meeting of the APTA Anaheim, CA.


University/Department Service

  • Panuska College of Professional Studies (PCPS) Interdisciplinary Committee for Community Health Education (CHED): (2017)
  • PCPS Curriculum Review Committee: (2013-present)
  • Northeastern Pennsylvania Inter-professional Education Coalition Collaborative Care Summit Facilitator Meeting: (2013, 2015, 2018)
  • Library Allocations Subcommittee: (2014-2015)
  • University Review Board: (2010-present)
  • Information Literacy Proposal Subcommittee: (2006-2007)
  • Library Advisory Committee: (2002-present)

Physical Therapy Department
  • Department DPT Admissions Committee: (2005-2018)
  • PT Department Public Relations: (2010- present)
  • OT/PT Department Review Board (DRB): (2009-present)
  • New Faculty Search Committee: (2006, 2010-2011, 2017-2019)
  • Department Master Schedule Committee Chair: (2005-2013)

Community Service

  • OLP Career Day at the 性爱电影: 01/25/16
  • Home Safety and Fall Prevention Program: 2/22/2012
  • Consortium for Faculty Development to Advance Geriatric Education: 2008
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