
Lori Walton, PhD, DPT, MS, MPH(s), CLT


Department of Physical Therapy
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510-4586
Office: Edward Leahy Hall (ELH) 526
Voice: (570) 941-7610
Email: lori.walton@scranton.edu

B.S., Andrews University
MS, Andrews University
MPH(s), Johns Hopkins
DPT, Creighton University
PhD, Nova Southeastern University

Courses Taught

PT 707/707L Applied Clinical Neuroscience for PT
PT 722L Rehabilitation II for PT-- Women's Health Module
PT 743 Psychosocial Aspects of Disability in PT
PT 754 Diagnosis in PT

PT 756 Professional Practice Issues in PT

PT 711 Neurological PT I
PT 721L Rehabilitation I-- Vestibular Rehabilitation Module
PT 731/731L Pediatric PT

Research Interests

  • Refugee Health
  • Effects of Toxic Stress on Health Related Quality of Life, Executive Functions, and Health Outcomes for Women Living in UAE
  • Validity Study on Harvard Trauma Scale translation into Bengali Language + Impact of Toxic Stress on Health Related Quality of Life and Health Outcomes for Women Living in Poverty in Bangladesh.
  • Effects of Toxic Stress on Health Related Quality of Life, Executive Functions, and Health Outcomes for Women Refugees

Professional Activities

  • Advanced Certification in Teaching and Learning Methodology, London, UK 2018-2019
  • Certified Medical Exercise Therapist, 2014-Present
  • Advanced Certification in Clinical Education CI Training, 2010-Present, USA
  • Completed Advanced Training in Prenatal and Postpartum, 2012-Current, USA and UK
  • Advanced Pelvic I-III Completed, 2009- Current, USA
  • Completed Advanced Training in Women’s Health Trauma, 2017-current, USA
  • Enrolled Certificate in Global Health and Maternal and Fetal Health- Johns Hopkins University-current
  • Certificate in NIH Grant Writing, USA
  • Certificate for Human Research Protections (IRB) OHRP, USA
  • Completed NAIOMT Training, Level I-III, USA

  • Leadership in Advocacy for the Physical Therapist & Physical Therapist Assistant Insurance Issues in Kansas, 2010
  • Physical Therapy Association Oncology Section Member American Physical Therapy Association Research Section Member
  • Kansas Physical Therapy Association, Nominating Committee, Officer, Mentor, Current American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists
  • Women's Health Special Interest Group Leader/Organizer, KPTA, 2005-2006 Bangladesh Physical Therapy Association, 2009-present

Appointed/Elected Positions
  • International Board Member, Hope Foundation, Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, Consultant and Development of
  • Women’s Health Initiative for the Socioeconomically Challenged and Underserved Populations to Reduce Maternal Morbidities and Mortality, 2011-present.
  • Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, 2010-present, Honorary Faculty, Consultant for curriculum and program, Dhaka, Bangladesh for Master of Science Physical Therapy Program and MS in Rehabilitation Science.
  • Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, 2010-present, member of Institutional Review Board (Ethics Committee- CRP).
  • Editorial Reviewer for World Confederation on Physical Therapy Research Abstract Submissions, current 2018.
  • Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, 2010, Physical Therapy Program (MS),Dhaka, Bangladesh, Lectures to Physical Therapy Students, Assistance to faculty on curriculum development
    Center for Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed (CRP), May 2010, Savar, Bangladesh, Set up International Affiliation for PTA Students, Research advisor and editor.
  • Editorial Reviewer for Journal of Physical Therapy Rehabilitation, 2013-2014.
  • Book Reviewer for “Health Services: Policy and Systems in Physical Therapy” by Sandstrom R., Lohman H., and Bramble J. 2007.
  • Editorial Reviewer for Journal for the Poor and Underserved, Meharry Medical College, 2007-2012.
  • Editorial Reviewer for Journal of Health Ethics, 20011-12.
  • Article Reviewer for Jordan University of Science and Technology, The Effects of Constraint Induced Therapy on Patients with Stroke, 2008

Publications and Presentations (Within 10 years)

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Akter S, Hossain MS, Hossain KM, Uddin Z, Hossain MA, Alom F, Kabir MF, Walton LM, Raigangar
V (2023). Comparison of Structural Diagnosis and Management (SDM) Approach and MyoFascial
Release (MFR) for Improving Plantar Heel Pain, Ankle Range of Motion, and Disability: A randomized
clinical trial, Journal of Manual & Manipualative Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/10669817.2023.2214020.

Saleh E, Walton LM, Raigangar V, & Kim M (2023). The association between diastasis recti abdominis
and pelvic floor dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and quality of life among postpartum women
after Cesarean Delivery. Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationmedzin Kurotmedzin.

Walton LM, Hakim R, Raigangar V, Schwartz J, Ummul Ambia SJM, Zaaeed N, Schbley B (2022).
Community Based Rehabilitation Programs for Resettled Muslim Women Refugees. Journal of Health
Ethics, 18(1).

Al-Zaabi A, Walton LM, Arumugum A (2022). Association between demographic characteristics, lower
limb range of motion, functional performance, ability to dual task, quality of life and risk of falls in older
adults of the United Arab Emirates - A cross-sectional study. Heliyon. 8(2).

Moustafa I.M., Shousha, T.M., Walton, L.M., Raigangar, V., & Deed E Harrison (2022). Reduction of
thoracic hyper-kyphosis improves short and long term outcomes in patients with Chronic nonspecific
neck pain: A randomized-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(20) (ISSN 2077-0383),

Alketbi A, Basit S, Hamza N, Walton LM, Moustafa IM. The added value of cognition-targeted exercise
versus symptom-targeted exercise for multiple sclerosis fatigue: A randomized controlled pilot trial. PLoS
One. 2021 Nov 8;16(11):e0258752. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258752. PMID: 34748549; PMCID:

Mohammad A Hossain, KMA. Hossain, Mohamad Sakel, Md. Kabir, K Saunders, Rafed Faruqui,
Mohammad S. Hossain, Zakir Uddin, Lori M Walton, Rubavet Shafin, Sonjit K Chakrovorty, Iqbal K.
Jahid (2021). Knowledge, Attitudes, Behavioral Practices and Psychological Impact Relating to COVID-19 Among People Living with Spinal Cord Injury during Inpatient Rehabilitation in Bangladesh.
Frontiers in Neurology. .

FZ Aldhuhoori, LM Walton, KC Bairapaareddy, SK Amaravadi (2021). Physiotherapy Practice for
Management of Patients Undergoing Upper Abdominal Surgery in United Arab Emirates- A National
Survey. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 2021.2513-2526.

Saleh E, Walton LM, Raigangar V, & Kim M (2022). The association between diastasis recti abdominis and pelvic floor dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and quality of life among postpartum women after Cesarean Delivery. Physikalische Medizin Rehabilitationmedzin Kurotmedzin. Accepted October 16, 2022. Forthcoming publication, October 2022.

Walton LM,  Hakim R, Raigangar V, Schwartz J Ummul Ambia SJM, Zaaeed N, Schbley B (2022). Community BasedRehabilitation Programs for Resettled Muslim Women Refugees. Journal of Health Ethics, 18(1). 

Al-Zaabi A, Walton LM, Arumugum A (2022). Association between demographic characteristics, lower limb range of motion,functional performance, ability to dual task, quality of life and risk of falls in older adults of the United Arab Emirates - A cross-sectional study. Heliyon. 8(2). 

Moustafa I.M., Shousha, T.M., Walton, L.M., Raigangar, V., & Deed E Harrison (2022). Reduction of thoracic hyper-kyphosis improves short and long term outcomes in patients with Chronic nonspecific neck pain: A randomized-controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(20) (ISSN 2077-0383), 

Alketbi A, Basit S, Hamza N, Walton LM, Moustafa IM. The added value of cognition-targeted exercise versus symptom-targeted exercise for multiple sclerosis fatigue: A randomized controlled pilot trial. PLoS One. 2021 Nov 8;16(11):e0258752. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258752. PMID: 34748549; PMCID:PMC8575272.  

Mohammad A Hossain, KMA. Hossain, Mohamad Sakel, Md. Kabir, K Saunders, Rafed Faruqui, Mohammad S. Hossain, Zakir Uddin, Lori M Walton, Rubavet Shafin, Sonjit K Chakrovorty, Iqbal K. Jahid (2021). Knowledge, Attitudes, BehavioralPractices and Psychological Impact Relating to COVID- 19 Among People Living with Spinal Cord Injury during Inpatient Rehabilitation in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Neurology. 

FZ Aldhuhoori, LM Walton, KC Bairapaareddy, SK Amaravadi (2021). Physiotherapy Practice for Management of PatientsUndergoing Upper Abdominal Surgery in United Arab Emirates- A National Survey. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. 2021.2513-2526. 

Saleh, EA, Walton LM, Kim M, Raigangar V (2022). Predictive Association of Diastasis Recti on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Sacroiliac Dysfunction and Health Related Quality of Life in the Chronic Postpartum Period. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy, Published Abstract.

Hossain MA, Hossain KMA, Saunders K, Uddin Z, Walton LM, et al. (2021). Prevalence of Long COVID symptoms in Bangladesh: a prospective Inception Cohort Study of COVID-19 survivors. BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e006838. 

Moustafa IM, Ahbouch A, Palakkottuparambil F, Walton LM (2021). Optimal Duration of Stretching of the Hamstring Muscle Group in Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. European Journal of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. May 18. doi:10.23736/S1973-9087.21.06731-9. PMID: 34002974.

Hossain MA, Jaahid IK, Hossain MF, Uddin Z, Kabir MF, Hossain KM, Walton LM (2021). Efficacy of McKenzieManipulative Therapy on Pain, Functional Activity and Disability for Lumbar Disc Herniation. The Open Sports Sciences Journal,14,14-24. DOI:10.2174/1875399X02114010014. 

Hossain KM, Saunders K, Sakel M, Walton LM, Raigangar V, et al (2021). Coping with COVID-19 Pandemic: A Population-Based Study in Bangladesh. medRxiv. doi: 

Hossain MA, Jahid MK, Hossain KM, Walton LM, Uddin Z, et al (2021). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Fear of COVID-19 During the Rapid Rise Period in Bangladesh. PLoS One, 15(9), e0239646. Re- published in 2021 with Recognition in World Health Organization Global Literature on Coronavirus (WHO).  

Hossain KM, Walton LM, Arafat SM Y, Maybee N, Sarker RH, Ahmed S, Kabir F (2020). Expulsion from the Motherland: Association between Depression & Health Related Quality of Life for Rohingya Living with Refugee Status in Bangladesh.Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health, 16, 46-52. 

Bitar, D., Walton LM (2020). Differences in Dual Task Paradigms and Executive Function Ability for Recreational Athletes in the United Arab Emirates”. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, November 2020, 1-8. 

Walton LM, Raigangar V, Abraham S, Hernandez M, Krivak G, Buddy C, Caceras R, (2019). The effect of an 8-week nutrition and exercise program on pelvic pain (PFDI), incontinence (IIQ-7), health related quality of life (SF-36),breastfeeding patternsand nutritional intake for prenatal and postpartum women: A bilingual study in Spanish and English. April 2019, Physiotherapy Research International.  

Bani-Issa W., Dennis CL, Brown HK, Walton LM, Ibrahim A, AlShujairi A, Almomani F. (2019). The Influence of Parents andSchools on Adolescents’ Perceived Diet and Exercise Self-Efficacy: A School- Based Sample from the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 

Walton L (2018). The Effects of Bias Based Bullying on health, education, and cognitive-social- emotional outcomes in children with minority backgrounds: Comprehensive Public Health Intervention Solutions. Journal of Immigrant and MinorityHealth. Apr;20(2):492-496. doi: 10.1007/s10903-017-0547-y. 

Walton LM, Asumbrado R, Behrens MA, and Machamer L (2018). Relationship between Nutrition (REAP), Exercise(VSAQ) and Premenstrual Syndrome Severity (PSST). Correlational, cross-sectional, purposive sample of 75 females ages 18-55. Journal of Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation, June 3(1)  

Walton L (2018). Health and Human Rights of Syrian Refugee Women and Children: UN Convention on Refugees Revisited. Journal of Health Ethics, 14(2). 

Pierce C., Walton LM, Oakley E, Caceras R, Sadow H, Yoder K (2018). Playing-related musculoskeletal pain among college-level music students before and after an informative lecture by a physical therapist. Orthopedic Physical Therapy Practice, November 2018.

Walton L, Schbley B, Muvuti F, Milliner, S, & Zaaeed N (2017). Investigating the Validity and Reliability of a NewlyDeveloped Screening Tool for Intimate Partner Violence: Utilization in Physical Therapy Practice. International Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.  

Walton L, Costa A, LaVanture D, McIlrath S, & Stebbins B (2016). The Effects of a 6 Week Core Stability ExerciseProgram Compared to a Traditional Abdominal Strengthening Program on Diastasis Recti Abdominis Closure, Pain, Oswestry disability Index and Pelvic Floor Disability Index Scores (PFDI), Journal of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, March, 2016. 

Colgrove YM, Walton LM, & VanHoose DL (2015). The Effects of Intraprofessional Collaborative Case-Based Learning:A Cohort Study of Student Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant Perceptions of the Physical Therapist Assistant's Role. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice. 5(1): 24-35.  

Walton, L, Ambia, J, Parvin, R, Schbley, B (2014). Incidence and Impact of Urinary Incontinence, Pelvic Pain, and other Co-morbidities on health related quality of life for postpartum women living in rural Bangladesh. International Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 2(2): 86-100. 

Walton LM, Asumbrado R, Behrens MA, and Machamer L (2018). Relationship between Nutrition (REAP), Exercise (VSAQ)and Premenstrual Syndrome Severity (PSST). Correlational, cross-sectional, purposive sample of 75 females ages 18-55. Journal of Physical Therapy & Physical Therapy Rehabilitation, June 3(1).

Walton, L., Akram, F, & Hossain, F (2014). Health Beliefs, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Muslim Women Living in the UnitedStates and Implications for Health Care Providers, Journal of Health Ethics, 10(2): 1-27. 

Walton, L, Abreu, C, Jeffus, E, Trautwein, A, & Xavier, S (2014). Pelvic Pain, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary andColorectal Distress Impact and Relationship to Quality of Life and Birth Mode, Journal of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, 10(2), December 2014.


Book Publications

Walton L. (2021) Refugee Rehabilitation Education Materials.

Walton L (2018). Prenatal and Postpartum Physiotherapy Exercise Manual.

Walton L (2017). Spinal Cord Injury Care Manual for Students and Clinicians.

Walton-UmKashif L (2016). Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in Bangladesh and Health Related Quality of Life: Problem Solving with Community Programs in Education and Research.



Walton LM, Hakim R, Schwartz J, Zaaeed N, Raigangar VL (2023). Validity of Cohen-Hoberman
Inventory of Physical Symptoms in Nepali for Bhutanese Refugees. Combined Sections Meeting, San
Diego, Platform Presentation.

Abrams B, Nally MC, Cardella A, Heimes AM, Rodio NJ, Walton LM (2023). Prenatal Lead Exposure
and Health Outcomes Among Infants and Children in Bangladesh: A Systematic Review. Combined
Sections Meeting, Received Global Health & Social Responsibility Award, Poster Presentation.

Alzaabi HSR, Walton LM, Arumugam A, et al. Dynamic Gait Index and Active Hip Range of Motion Predict Fall Risk in Older Adults. Geriatrics Section, Accepted Platform, CSM 2022.

Walton LM, Hakim R, Schwartz J, Raigangar V, Javed A, Zaaeed N, Ummul Ambia SJM, Moustafa IM.  Community Based Pelvic Rehabilitation Program for Women Refugees:  Trauma Informed, Gender Focused, Intersectional Approach.  Accepted Platform, CSM, 2022. 

Abu Saleh E, Walton LM, Kim M, & Raigangar V. Predictive Association of DRA on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Sacroiliac Dysfunction, and Health Related Quality of Life for Chronic Postpartum Women.  Accepted Platform, CSM, 2022. 

Walton LM, Raigangar V, Akter F, Schbley B, Hakim R. Gender Based Violence Against Women:  Trauma Informed Obstetric and Gynecologic Physical Therapy Programs.  Accepted Poster, CSM, 2022. 

Hakim R, Berry C, Hreniuk J, Capobianco N, Gorczyca B, Walton LM.  The Effectiveness of Complementary Medicine for Pain Management in Postpartum Women:  A Systematic Review.  Accepted Poster, CSM, 2022. 

Walton LM et al (2021). Focused Symposium FS-WCPT-2021-00058. Optimizing Physiotherapy Services for People with Refugee or Migrant Experience. World Confederation for Physiotherapy (forthcoming).

Walton LM (2020). Impact of toxic stress on maternal and fetal cognitive and physical health outcomes and health related quality of life for global, vulnerable populations of women and children. Keynote Speaker, 3rd International Conference on Rehabilitation Sciences, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan, (Forthcoming, March2020).

Walton LM, Raigangar, V (2020). Neurobiological Adaptations to Modern Stress and Decreased Physical Activity Levels, ARTZT Symposium, January 2020, Montabaur,Germany.

Walton LM (2020). Evidence Based Women’s Health Manual Physiotherapy, Bangladeshi Health Professions Institute, Savaar, Bangladesh, December 2019.

Moustafa I, Shousha T, Walton LM, Raigangar V, Harrisson, D. (2020). Effects of a Sagittal Thoracic Posture-Corrective Orthosis Compared to Traditional Multimodal Rehabilitation Program on Health Outcomes for Subjects with Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Randomized-Controlled Trial. CSM, 2020, Denver, Colorado (Poster Presentation).

Walton LM, Raigangar, V, Kalsoom Naqashband N, Moustafa I, Gadgieva N, Wangde Qasim K, Basem Mahmoud Najjar O, Fady Mahfouz B (2020). Does Core Stability Predict Low Back, Sacro-Iliac and Pelvic Ring Dysfunction in Long Distance Runners? Combined Sections Meeting, Denver, Colorado. (Poster Presentation).

Walton LM, Raigangar, V (2019). Development of an Innovative Inventory for Musculoskeletal Pain and Perceived Stress (WIMPPS). Presented at the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Health and Prevention Innovation Conference, 2019.

Walton LM, Raigangar, V, Alghabra, N., Itani, R, et al. (2019). Development of a Clinical Prediction Rule for Non-specific Knee Pain. Presented at the University of Sharjah Research Forum.

Walton LM, Raigangar, V., Schbley, B, Zaaeed, N (2019). Invited Chair and Speaker for World Congress Physiotherapy WCPT 2019, “Focused Symposium” on Toxic Stress, Trauma and Pain Management in Vulnerable Populations (competitive symposium), Geneva, Switzerland.

Walton LM, Abdulkarim M, AlAtrash A, Al Khaled S, Bitar D, Ebrahim M, Emad N (2018). Physical Activity Levels During Pregnancy and Prediction of Maternal Stress and Maternal Health Realted Outcomes in Women Living in UAE. Accepted for Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), (Platform “Noteworthy Research” Presentation), Washington DC, 2019.

Walton LM, Khattab S, Ali Pour N, Neyyer Z, Almuzzaini N, & Aldossarey N (2018). Prevalence and Impact of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFDI), Pelvic and Low Back Pain (QBPDS) on Health Related Quality of Life (SF-12) and Maternal Health Outcomes for Postpartum Women Living in United Arab Emirates (UAE): by Mode of Birth Delivery", Combined Sections Meeting (CSM), American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Poster Presentation, Washington DC, 2019.

Walton LM (2018). Invited Speaker at the International Growth and Development Conference, Dubai, 2018. Toxic Stress effects on neurobiological and epigenetic changes and long term health outcomes for vulnerable populations of women and children.

Walton LM (2018). Invited Research Presentation at HOPE Foundation for Women and Children of Bangladesh, International Congress on Fistula and Fissure Repair, February 2018.

Walton LM, Schbley B, Zaaeed N (2018). American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Effects of Toxic Stress on Maternal and Child Health Related Quality of Life, Chornic Disease, Fetal Development and Health Outcomes from Women and Children Living with Refugee Status in Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and USA, February 2018 (Research Presentation)

Walton LM, Schbley B, Zaaeed N. (2018). American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Effects of Toxic Stress on Refugee Health and Implications for Rehabilitation, 2018 (Educational Session Presentation (2 hours), Invited Speaker)

Walton LM (2017). Invited Keynote Speaker for the Bangladeshi Physiotherapy International Symposium, December 23, 2017, Impact of Disability on Women’s Health Issues and Rehabilitation.

University/Department Service

  • Faculty Award:  "Provost Award for Excellence in Integration of Mission and Justice into the Curriculum", 2021
  • Lead on New Curriculum Development and Assessment for Physiotherapy Programs, University of Sharjah, 2017-Present.
  • University Curriculum Committee, 2019-2020.
  • College of Health Professions Continuing Education Committee, 2019-2020.
  • Organized the final research oral and poster presentations for the physiotherapy department at University of Sharjah, UAE, 2017-2020.
  • Provided consultation and continuing education (40 hours) to Masters of Rehab Program and MSPT Students at University of Dhaka, Bangladeshi Health Professions Institute, (Topics included: Musculoskeletal Assessment and Obstetrics/Gynecologic Patient, Statistics and Research, and Exercise Prescription), April 01-07, 2018.
  • Participated in organization for “Physiotherapy Day” at University of Sharjah, local community, OB/GYN Awareness; Fall, 2017.
  • College Council, University of Sharjah (UOS), 2017-present Research Committee, University of Sharjah (UOS), 2017-present
  • Chair of Curriculum Assessment Committee, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Sharjah, 2017- present
  • Research Grants Committee, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2016-2017 Scholarship Committee, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2016-2017
  • University Accreditation Ethics and Legal Committee, SUNY Upstate Medical University, 2016-2017 Department Accreditation Curriculum and Assessment Committee, SUNY Upstate Medical University
  • University Senate, Andrews University, 2014-2016 University Faculty Research Grants Committee, 2012- present
  • School of Health Professions Research Committee, 2012- present University Research Council Member, 2012- present
  • IRB Committee Member, Andrews University, 2012-present Post-professional DScPT Program, Andrews University, 2012-present University Assessment Committee, Washburn University, 2008-2010 Academic Affairs Committee, Washburn University, 2009-2010 University Senate, SAS representative, Washburn University, 2008-2010
  • University Undergraduate Retention Committee, Washburn University, 2008 Curriculum and Policy Committee, Washburn University, 2007-2009

Community Service

  • Pro bono service to women and children in Sharjah, UAE, PRN, 2017-present.
  • Pro bono service to women and children in Center for Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed in Savaar, Bangladesh, 2009- Present (40-120 hours every year)
  • Pro bono prenatal and postpartum maternal health program for women with socioeconomic challenges, Women Infants & Children, S. Bend, Indiana.
  • Pro bono women’s health physical therapy services to the local community, Indiana, ongoing.
  • Bangladeshi Health Professions Institute/University of Dhaka, Consultation for Curriculum Development for MScPT Program, 2010-Present.
  • Volunteer Physiotherapy Services to Hope Foundation, Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh, 2011-present.
  • Volunteer Physiotherapy Services/consultation to The Center of Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2009- Present
  • Outpatient Orthopedics and Women’s Health, Marian Clinic Volunteer Physical Therapist (St. Francis Health Center Affiliated), Topeka, Kansas, 2006 to 201
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